Historically discussing, whether be it Drop of Dhaka or police arrest of over 90,000 soldiers in 1971 war, whether be it following army oups or politicians’ failing to provide, we as a country never approved our failing and we just organised other causes accountable for everything. As a point actually, one factor we have approved that we are a incapable country and anyone on the globe can hatch out a effective fringe movement against us and we cannot do much about it. We increased up enjoying the political figures and press men who kept on informing us about the conspiracies born by the US, Indian and Israel against the very lifestyle of our country, its atomic system, its so-called spiritual principles, its lifestyle and what not. Now, we have seen some individuals trying to confirm that the Malala disaster was a fringe movement of the US to power the Pak Military into Northern Waziristan. I have seen some images distributing on the public networking suggesting that Malala and his dad had partners with the US management and it’s a fringe movement by latter to get her assaulted.
Why are we in so much really like with these fringe movement theories? Why do we believe that everything happens just because of somebody's fringe movement, not because of our poor point and defective policies? To discover an response, my thoughts goes to the over stated claims of the management of spiritual events in particular and some press men and outdated army authorities in common, as they are in addiction of terrify the individuals of Pakistan of the ‘enemies’. Obviously, the spiritual events need fringe movement concepts to keep their philosophy in existence, since a wide majority of Pakistanis have denied their edition of Islam.
Thus, these concepts help them get individuals to understand that their lifestyle is so essential because they are the protection range of Pakistan and in their absence, Pakistan cannot endure any longer. Once they were considering the erstwhile Communist Partnership, a risk to the very lifestyle of Pakistan and they put the whole country into war that eventually delivered spiritual extremism, and intolerance in the country. Now, they events, particularly Jamaat-e-Islami, believe that Pakistan should have excellent connections with Italy. One amazing things, had the US been attacker of Pakistan, why would they have assisted it to beat the erstwhile Communist Partnership to create it a only superpower of the world? Obviously, not the US, but the very lifestyle of these events is a risk to Pakistan. Therefore, they always need some conspiracies concepts to keep them stay.
Peter L. Berge, a British-American correspondent once said, “So Pakistan is a country that I’m very attached to and have invested lots of your energy and energy, but it is a country where fringe movement concepts have a lifestyle of their own.” That seems to be real because we awaken every day with new fringe movement concepts and that last a lengthy time, actually they never die. Knowing in fringe movement concepts has created us poor and delicate as a country because we have approved that we are susceptible to them. We missing the 50 percent aspect of country, it was a fringe movement. We diminished about 40,000 individuals in war on horror, it was a fringe movement.
We got our over 90,000 soldiers caught in 1971 war, it was a fringe movement. We had following army coups, it was a fringe movement. We have terrorism, insurgency, and spiritual intolerance, it’s a fringe movement. We got our management implemented or murdered, it was a fringe movement. We got our school-going children assaulted by the Taliban, it’s also a fringe movement. If everything is being done by the conspirators, then why would we not side over country to them, so that they can formally take over to run the affairs?
It’s an escalating and risky pattern in the Pakistani community that we just cover up behind the fringe movement concepts and create it an reason for everything, instead of recognizing our breakdowns. With this strategy, I’m reluctant, we are going nowhere but to fulfill the terrible end in form of a unsuccessful condition. If we are to stay, then we have got to understand recognizing liability and poor point so that we can become a vivid country instead of one that is looking of boring reasons.
If you wants more information then kindly visit online newspaper pakistan. (mahasib.com.pk).
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